domingo, junio 15, 2008


Below you can find the call for works for "FrammentAzioni", the contemporary music project dedicated to composers coming from all over the world.

Entry is free.

The deadline is on August 31th 2008.

With the intent to promote contemporary music, TEM - Taukay Edizioni Musicali inviting composers to submit recorded works 60 seconds or less in length (works may be less than 60 seconds in length, but may not exceed 60 seconds).
The most interesting compositions (50/60 works) will be selected to be played continuously in a concert during the "Contemporanea" festival in October in Udine (Italy) and broadcasted from Taukay Web radio, the first Italian web radio station entirely dedicated to contemporary music. (
Over the sequence the dance company "Arearea" will present an expressly dedicated choreography.

The recorded work can be any sound created which can be recorded on CD / DAT / data CD. Live performers are not allowed. The recording can include acoustic instruments, samples, voice, every kind of sound synthesis.
Scores of works are allowed but not required.

It is possible participate with more than one composition. The call is open to composers of any nationality and of any age.
Previously performed compositions will be accepted. Works will not be returned.

The following documentation is also required:
  • name, surname, address, telephone number, e-mail address, date and place of birth, citizenship.
  • composer biography.
  • title of the composition.
  • a statement agreeing to permit the performance of the composition to be broadcast or telecast and archived without compensation.
  • a statement agreeing to the treatment of personal information in accordance with Italian privacy laws.

Please submit your work and submission no later than August 31th 2008 to:

Taukay Edizioni Musicali
via del Torre 57/5
33047 Remanzacco (Udine) Italy

The postmark will be deemed to be the date of submission.

Printable application form to participate is available from the web site:

Selected works will be announced on September 30 th, 2008.

For further information please visit Edizioni Musicali Taukay's web site:
Or contact us by e-mail at:

Taukay Edizioni Musicali
via del Torre 57/5
33047 Remanzacco UDINE
tel. +39 0432 649244
fax +39 0432 649575

Normativa sul trattamento dei dati personali (D. Lgs 196 del 30 Giugno 2003)
Il Suo indirizzo si trova nella nostra mailing list ed é stato utilizzato per inviarLe informazioni riguardanti la manifestazione in oggetto.
Ai sensi dell'art. 13 D. Lgs 196 del 30 Giugno 2003 e successive modifiche, (Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali), Taukay Edizioni Musicali La informa che i Suoi dati personali verranno utilizzati unicamente per i propri scopi di natura promozionale ed informativa delle suddette attività, trattati unicamente dalla nostra struttura e non potranno essere nè saranno oggetto di comunicazione a soggetti terzi.
In ogni momento Lei potrà esercitare i diritti di cui all'art.7 del D. Lgs 196/2003, chiedendo la conferma dell'esistenza di dati che La riguardano, nonché l'aggiornamento e la cancellazione degli stessi dalla banca dati.
Qualora Lei volesse far rimuovere il suo nominativo dal nostro indirizzario può farlo rispondendo al presente messaggio ed inserendo la frase "CANCELLAZIONE DALL'INDIRIZZARIO" nell'oggetto.

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